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Refreshing Summer Sensations

Soup or salad? It’s a time-honoured tradition to start a meal, but often isn’t the place to look for excitement on the menu. But… what if the soup was chilled for summer, and the salad quite kick-ass? We’re exploring that with these Whistler chefs: cool — in both senses of the word! —

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Summer Family Fun

Kids are good at sniffing out adventure. You might have to widen how you define adventure, but I’ve discovered, having three of my own, that they’re often the ones who make you stop and see the beauty and fun in the simple things. With that in mind, here are some

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Otherwise Disregarded

Things that would be tossed away. That which doesn’t matter.
The easily ignored. Otherwise Disregarded – Capture Photography Festival, the current show in the upper gallery of the Audain Art Museum (AAM),